C02 - Bravo apple juice cider high ABV

Log of brewing a modified bravo apple juice cider

I have bought a co2 regulator with trapetz adapter for connection to a 430g “soda stream” c02 bottle and a PET adapter to push co2 into PET bottles. This allows me to kill the yeast, clear the brew and do back sweetening before bottling. This brew will be based on blog post but with following modification; Add more sugar for higer ABV to compensate for the back sweetening using Bravo juice. [Read More]

Bravo Apple juice Cider

I got interested to brew a hard cider to this midsummer. I found that someone had success to brew a cider on a specific store bought apple cider (Bravo äppel juice) available here in Sweden. So this is my go at that. The docket on the juice package told me that there are 9.5g sugar per 100ml. This means 95g per liter and that would give me a cider with approximated ABV of 5. [Read More]

C01 - Bravo apple juice cider

Log of brewing a bravo apple juice cider

This post will be updated with a log of my journey brewing the a Bravo apple juice hard cider using the recipe mentioned in post blog post. #chart_container { position: relative; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #chart { position: relative; left: 40px; } .rickshaw_graph .x_tick .title { bottom: -24px; left: -18px; } #y_axis { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 40px; } $. [Read More]