JAO Mead

I’m interested in doing a melomel which is a mead with fruits. I found a recipe that I found interesting tasteful which is named JAO mead. I changed the yeast in the receipe to a white wine yeast Lavlin D47 which I have on the shelf.

This recipe is for one gallon mead.

  • 1.5 Kg honey
  • 1 large orange
  • 25 raisins
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 or two cloves
  • 2.5g Lavlin D45


  1. Santize all of your equipment

  2. Remove the zest and the pith, to minimize off tasts that needs racking for a longer time, from the orange. Cut it down into 1” squares and put aside.

  3. Heat up water 2 litre of water to 30° celcius and stir up the honey into a must and pour into the carboy then add orange pieces, raisins, cinnamon and clove(s).

  4. Fill up the carboy with cold water leaving seom headroom for foaming create during fermentation.

  5. Measure and log the OG for of the mixture using your hydrometer.

  6. Shake the carboy heavily to aeritate the must

  7. Boil 50-80ml water and let it cool to 25° degrees.

  8. Add 2.5g yeast of D47 yeast, half of the 5g yeast package, into the water for rehydration. Wait 15 minutes and then stir.

  9. Do another aeritation shake of the carboy and then pitch the rehydrated yeast into the carboy.

  10. Fill and engage the airlock into the carboy and place it on a dark place with a temperature around 20° celcius.

Brew logs