C02 - Bravo apple juice cider high ABV

Log of brewing a modified bravo apple juice cider

C02 - Bravo apple juice cider high ABV

Log of brewing a modified bravo apple juice cider

I have bought a co2 regulator with trapetz adapter for connection to a 430g “soda stream” c02 bottle and a PET adapter to push co2 into PET bottles. This allows me to kill the yeast, clear the brew and do back sweetening before bottling.

This brew will be based on blog post but with following modification; Add more sugar for higer ABV to compensate for the back sweetening using Bravo juice.

As mentioned in the recipe, the juice have 95 grams sugar per liter. This would give us a ABV of 5.6%. If we added additional 95 grams per liter we would double the ABV. This would be my aim, double the ABV and reduce it by back sweetening using apple juice.

The idea is to ferment out all the sugar, kill the yeast and clear using gelatin. After 2 days rack the cider and back sweetening the cider apple juice.

ps. you need to follow the log for the full receipt.

Day 0 - 2017-06-06

My target volume of must is 5l and I stared with heating up 2 liter of Bravo apple juice and measured 475g (95g * 5l) of table sugar and dissolved into the warm juice. Poured the juice into carboy and filled up with 3.5l juice which was the max my carboy took. This means that I got a bit more sugar than just doubled.

I re-hydrated the 2.5f EC-1188 yeast in 25C water and 3g Fermaid-K nutrients for 15 minutes before I pitched the yeast.